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This page is a testing ground for the Category:Commands page to try to make it look awesome. As such, you might see wiki content that was copy-pasted from other wikis.

Basic IRC

Mibbit Specific

Odd Ones Out

Interface Commands

Input Options Based

Character sets

Must be OP or above

Basic IRC Mibbit Commands Operator Commands
// /query <nick>[ <msg>] /autoconnect on|off
/away /server /channeltags <tag list>]]
/back /debug /recentchat on|off
/ban * /ignore <nick> /removechat <nick>
/ctcp <nick> * /unignore <nick> Character Sets
/cycle #Chan /hints - Shows the words used for Google ads; /charset <charset>
/invite /umode [+/-]<letters> - Same as /mode <yourNick> [+/-]<letters> /rcharset <charset>
Interface Commands /debug /scharset <charset>