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There are a few different methods that may be used to find channels/rooms. Which one is best depends on your preference and the type of client you are using.
If you are using the Mibbit full-featured client or desktop client, as opposed to the Mibbit Widget, the following methods are applicable:
- Look for the tab at the top that is labeled the name of the server you are connected to:
Example: Clicking the "Mibbit" tab (in case you are connected to the server lists all of the publicly-accessible channels on that server, in paginated form. You mayb also search the list by entering your desired keywords.
- A simple alternative is located at
Example: To list all channels on, browse to
- Another decent alternative can be found at
Example: To list channels on, browse to
- The command line version of the /list command is used as follows:
/list [keyword1 [keyword2]] [-min <minimum_users>] [-max <maximum_users>] Where the keywords are evaluated as "WHERE topic (or #chan) contain keyword1 AND keyword2" etc (case insensitive), e.g.,
Example1: /list tes mib results in: # #test (5) [+ntr] #test Welcome to the Mibbit Test channel. This is for general testing... Example2: /list -min 10 lists only channels with at least ten users
The Mibbit Widget can utilize only the following methods:<network_name> See above for usage instructions for these methods.
Note: It is not advisable to type only /list (without a keyword). The resulting list of channels can be so large that it may cause your browser to crash on larger networks.