Create your own nickname
(Redirected from NICK)
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This was made specifically for Although it is possible that it works with other servers, we can not guarantee.
Registering your Nickname
- Choose a user name or nick. This user name should consist only of the letters from A-Z, the ciphers from 0-9 (but not as first character) and certain symbols such as "_" and "-" ("\" breakes some mails). It may have a maximum of 16 characters. Please note that some nicknames are used internally and cannot be used. Also, please stay family friendly with your nicknames
- Change your user name to the user name you have chosen. Suppose you chose the nick "StupidName" for example. Type the following in the input line:
/nick StupidName
- Register your nick or user name. Type the following command and replace your_password with a password that will be easy to remember and use a working email address.
/ns register yourPassword yourEmailAccountName@yourMailProvider
- (no nick here, otherwise you'll get "use a more obscure password" or similar)
- Get the confirmation code from your email inbox. Type the following command and replace confirmation_code with the code sent to you in the email (NEVER replace the word "nickserv" in /msg nickserv ... with your nick). It has the template shown below. If you don't see our email in any folder (check spam too) you could try /ns resend .
/ns confirm confirmation_code
- Register an alternate nickname using the same password. If you would like to register an alternate nickname, repeat the same procedure, using steps 2 to 4. Alternatively type /ns GROUP mainNick mainPass (see /ns help group)
- Identify with NickServ. Each time you connect, you should sign in, or "identify" yourself, using the following command:
/ns identify your_password
( or/identify your_password
on some servers )
- Auto connect with mibbit: For your convience, if you are using the fully featured (main client) and created a Mibbit account and are logged in, you can add that nick and password to the "My Account" list to be auto-identified, see Autoidentify. Most clients have their own way of setting up an auto-connect also.
( /ns is an alias for /msg nickserv on the Mibbit network and on most IRC clients )
If you get on the server (after registering) and someone else has taken your name: type in /ns GHOST <username> <password> to kick the user from your nickname. Then type /nick <username> to change your nick back! |
You can also do '/ns help' or '/ns help' for extensive help (some servers also use /nickserv). See also Anope's help documenation.
After successfully registering your nick you now might also want to create your own channel.
Email reference
From: To: "nick" <> Subject: Nickname Registration (nick) Hi, You have requested to register the following nickname nick. Please type " /msg nickserv confirm confirmation_code " to complete registration. If you don't know why this mail is sent to you, please ignore it silently. PLEASE DON'T ANSWER TO THIS MAIL! Mibbit administrators.