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Revision as of 05:36, 5 January 2010 by Natman97 (talk | contribs)
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Who are you?

I am NatMan97, aka Mandarin or DrKabob

What do you do?

On IRC I hang around #chat, #mibbit, #wafans, #bots etc etc I own ## (A channel about channels (that no one comes to)) and #0wn3d (i made for the sake of making it) I enjoy listening to music and may accidently start spamming channels with lyrics, sorry.

Do you have any bots?

Indeed I do, I used to own HelloBot, but I ended his life and replaced him with JeffTheFish. I also made MarthaTheFish, but we don't like to talk about that

Why do I ask so many questions?

You don't I force you to..... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!