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API | URI Parameters | Auto Connect

AutoConnect (for the widget on a per channel basis)

First modify the

Uri parameters

for your widget:

  1. Add &autoConnect=true
  2. Add &delay=30 for heavily visited pages (default is 2)
  3. Remove all &xxxPrompt=true parameters (they override autoConnect)

Further steps:

command (Mibbit internal)

  1. Join #yourChannel using a Mibbit client (just use your widget, using the main client might result in a delay of up to 15 minutes).
  2. Make sure you are op (or higher).
  3. To enable autoconnect type /autoconnect on , response notices:
    • SYSTEM: Auto connect (widget) for #<your channel> : on
    • SYSTEM: The widget will be able to auto-connect here.
  4. The command /autoconnect off disables autoconnect (default), response:
    • SYSTEM: Auto connect (widget) for #<your channel> : off
  5. The command /autoconnect displays the current state.

The on/off commands are only needed once (the setting is stored in a database).

Auto-connect for the main client is done in the "Channels" tab, see: Autoidentify