A common question; What is voice
Voice is a user mode
It is given to a user, from an Op in the channel by using the following command:
/mode #TheChannel +v TheNick
And the users in the channel typically see:
TheOp sets mode: +v TheNick
A user that has voice is indicated by a + character next to their nick, or in the case of the Mibbit Client, the speaker icon .
What does it mean?
It means two very different things to users. One is technical, the other is social.
- The technical reason, is that if the channel is set moderated (the channel is set to mode +m), then only users that have voice (plus the Ops and HalfOps) can type and be seen by others.
- Why would a channel be moderated?
- There may be a spam bot, or a belligerent user, and it may be easier to set, or preset, users that are known to the channel with voice when and while this problem is occuring.
- A channel acting as a Classroom or otherwise learning session could use voice so only a few people can type at once.
- Why would a channel be moderated?
- The social reason, is that many people use the voice mode as you are a friend, we recognise that.
- Of course, it is easier to keep track of friends of the channel, as the lack of voice makes interlopers stand out, which then makes the technical reason easier.
As a Channel Owner, can I set Voice to be automatic?
Usually, yes.
- On the Mibbit network, you can use ChanServ to set users to VOP.
- The user has to be registered with NickServ previously, and identified.
- On other networks, you would have to consult their documentation, but it is usually the same as the previous answer.
As a Channel Owner, can I set Voice to be automatic, for everyone?
Usually, no.
- If you didn't understand the above information on what voice was originaly intended for in the technical sence, you might not understand why giving automatic voice to every user is not built-in to ChanServ.
- But it isn't, and not a bug. you can not use ChanServ to give voice to everyone especially users that are not registered and identified with NickServ.
- On other networks, you would have to consult their documentation, but it is usually the same as the previous answer.
If I use a bot, can I set Voice to be automatic, for everyone?
- If you intend to use the bot managed by BotServ, then no.
- If you intend to use your own bot/script managed by you, then most likely you can.
- We can not help you with your bot.