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Revision as of 09:06, 2 August 2009 by Y (talk | contribs) (my first attempt for folks who are just stumbling upon it for the first time - tried to keep it really simple)
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This is a brief introduction for those completely new to Mibbit and IRC.

Mibbit is online chat client, it utilizes Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol to provide "chat rooms". You can setup your very own channel (aka chat room) and link your friends in just a few minutes.

You need three basic things to chat:

  1. a server - a computer that hosts chats (Since you are just getting started, you don't have to worry about a server, we will use Mibbit's default server but there are thousands available online for free)
  2. a nickname - an online name for you to chat with
  3. a channel - a specific channel on the server (aka chat room)


You can choose any nickname you want when you login to Mibbit, except, you cannot login with a nickname someone is already using on the server and you'll have to change your nickname if that nickname is registered on the server.

Registration let's you 'reserve' your nickname so nobody else can use it. Learn how to register your own nick.

Quick Chat (Chat Now!)

If you just want a temporary place to chat, then go ahead and create a link and join the channel. The IRC Server creates the channel automatically when you join it. Then send that link to your friends, coworkers, or overseas-long-distance-online-only-significant-other. It's as simple as going to, choose a nickname and a channel.

When everyone leaves your channel it will close the room but anyone can open it later by joining that channel.

Permanent Channel

If you want to setup a permanent place to chat, then you'll probably want to create and register your very own channel. Learn how to register your own channel here: Create your own channel. People can reach your chat using a simple link like (example: