Mibbit's Brain
- Continue cleanup of UI
- Start on pastebin enhancements - syntax highlight, and line numbers
- Fix log tab
- log output sizes to the window
- Shows a content relevent ad
- Some color coding to make things more readable
- Whois updates - secure connection, etc
- Sound alerts
- Finish custom smiley prefs - add/delete
- Finish work on auto url minifier
- Add option to open links in new tab *within* mibbit - useful for iphone/wii where multiple browser windows don't work well.
- Make prefs only send *Diffs* from defaults.
- Start on channel context options - Allow recent chat, etc
- Further automate webirc config adding, and add wildcards.
- Fix issue on a disconnect reconnect (users object)
- Think more about Mibbit user->Mibbit user PMs. Is there any point going through the ircd?
- Syntax highlighting etc on pastebin output.
- More widgets/plugins for extraArea on the left, google maps? ustream? Network tools?