Create your own channel
Revision as of 04:33, 4 May 2008 by Pb30 (talk | contribs) (CreateYourOwnChannel moved to Create Your Own Channel)
You are welcome to hang out at You might want to create your own channel, so here's a quick guide to how to do that.
- First of all, join the channel you want. '/join #mychannel'. If it's not already taken yet, you should get a star (Means you're op).
- Now register the channel with ChanServ (you have to have your nick registered before). ChanServ is a bot that helps with these sorts of things. Just type /msg ChanServ register #mychannel <password> <description>. Where <password> is some password you make up.
You can also do '/msg ChanServ help' or '/cs help' for extensive help.