Mibbit's Brain
- Password reminder system, and possibly password change in [account] tab.
- Opera 8.* issue - not found doc?
- User menu, scrollIntoView to ensure it's visible.
- RTL text option, swap order of elements in output - chat|nick|time. Fix red marker in IE?
- Parse +b responses, include link to unban. Clean up /help output at same time
- Continue cleanup of UI
- Start on pastebin enhancements - syntax highlight, and line numbers
- Show a content relevent ad in log tab and search results
- Whois updates - secure connection, etc
- Sound alerts
- Finish work on auto url minifier
- Start on channel context options - Allow recent chat, etc
- Further automate webirc config adding, and add wildcards.
- Think more about Mibbit user->Mibbit user PMs. Is there any point going through the ircd?
- Syntax highlighting etc on pastebin output.
- More widgets/plugins for extraArea on the left, ustream? Network tools?
- Think about dcc send as an option in uploader...
- Uploader multipart issue sometimes?
- dcc download issues? test
- Some sort of scroll system for infobar messages...