Channel Mibbit
Hi there. Thank you for taking an interest in #mibbit! Here's a few rules and guidelines you'll want to follow.
1. Change your nickname.
- Although not enforced, generally it's less confusing on everyone else if you don't have a nickname such as mib_wi5ru6. If you have a nickname that begins in mib_, please type /nick nickname, for instance, if you wanted to be called swordfish, you would type /nick swordfish. Whilst you're at it, why don't you register your nickname?
2. #mibbit is a social channel.
- #mibbit is not a dating channel, it's not a gaming channel, nor a support channel. If you need help with Mibbit, try joining #help (just type /join #help).
3. Please speak in English.
- If you want to speak in other languages, please type /join #chat.
4. Moderate what you are typing.
- Please don't spam links to other channels, and please don't abuse other users, swear*, or do anything someone else might find offensive. No bots are allowed on #mibbit, except Kenneth.
5. Don't PM people without asking first!
- Please don't PM people without their permission; if you have their permission, type /msg nick message.
6. Don't ask for OP, HalfOP, or Voice.
- If those in charge feel you deserve them, then you will get them. Asking will only keep you from getting them.
7. Do not use CAPS.
- It's like you are yelling to people and thats rude!
8. Do not bring in gamebots or enable autoresponding scripts.
- There are hundreds of users coming and going, and thousands of lines typed in the channel daily. We don't need, or want, the additional noise.
*Abbreviates such as WTF and LMAO are not considered as swearing. STFU is still considered a swear, due to intended meaning.
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