Kenneth is obsolete
Kenneth is an IRC bot in the channels #help and #mibbit of The type of bot Kenneth is, is a Mozboz.
Infobot List
- botsnack is <reply> :) [This can't be changed]
- Mibbit is the IRC client you are on. If you have any questions about it, ask in #help
- change nick is <reply> A person can change their nick with the command "/nick <wantedNick>"
- register channel is <reply>
- register nick is <reply> The syntax for registering your nick is /msg NickServ register <password> <email address>. For more information, check out
- hop is <action> hops.
- #mibbit is the general channel on this server. It is not a support channel. The support channel for the Mibbit client is in #help . This channel is not meant for learning a language.
- #chat-es is <reply>#chat es para personas quien no habla ingles.
- #chat-fr is <reply> #chat pour les personnes qui parlent français.
- #chat-en is <reply> #chat for people who do not speak English....
- #chat-de is <reply> #chat ist für Menschen, die nicht Englisch sprechen.
- en-only-es is <reply> Este canal es inglés solamente.
- en-only-de is <reply> Dit kanaal is slechts Engels.
- the wishlist is at
- skins are at
- wiki Kenneth is <action> has a wiki page at
Suggestions For New Modules
This list should only contain modules that have already been created.