Mibbit in a Popup
(Redirected from Popup)
Example for a link to open the main Mibbit client in a popup window (in the top left corner, using a secure connection):
<a href='#mibbit_full' onclick='window.open("https://www.mibbit.com/","","resizable,left=0,top=0,width=999,height=555")'> mibbit full version (https, popup)</a>
For your personal use you can also paste
into the URL location input line and/or put it into a bookmarklet to open the full featured version.
Example for a link to open a Mibbit widget in a popup window and joining the channel "#Test":
<a onclick=window.open("http://widget.mibbit.com/?channel=%23Test","_wdg","resizable") href="#Mibbit-popup">open a Mibbit widget in a popup</a>
see also: Widget popup