Widget Setting Change of 2010

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Revision as of 12:26, 15 November 2010 by Havvy (talk | contribs)
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Settings Item Was Now
userListColorNormal #006600 #444444
userListColorInactive #668866 #888888
userListMenuBackground #e4eace #cccccc
userListMenuBackgroundHover #e6e68f #ddddff
userGroupBackground #444 url('/gfx/grad_g.png') #2c629a
userListHover #aaaaaa #bbbbbb
ulistPaneBorder #51661c #666666
ulistPaneBackground #cad69f #dddddd
userListSelected #e4eace #aaaaaa
userListWidth 120 148
userListGroups [none] [default]
chatInputBarBorder #51661c #666666
chatInputBarBackground #cad69f #dddddd url('/gfx/grad1.png') repeat-x
chatInputBorder #cad69f #888888
chatInputBackground #eeeeee #ffffff
sendButtonBorder #51661c #666666
sendButtonBackground #cad69f #dddddd url('/gfx/grad1.png') repeat-x
colorInMenuSep #666666 #0000aa
colorInMenu #444444 #585858
colorInMenuActive #ff0000 #000000
chatPaneBorder #51661c #666666
chatBackgroundHighlight #ddeedd #ffffaa
chatBackgroundLines #d1ffd1 #eeeeee
tabColorServer #6cb12a #5ecf96
tabColorChannel #e6f3ca #5e96cf
tabBColorServer #c0ffc0 #aaaaaa
tabBColorChannel #cccccc #aaaaaa
tabBColorPM #cccccc #aaaaaa
tabBackgroundColor #000000 #ffffff
tabTextColorInactive #444444 #eeeeee
tabTextColorArrows #222222 #aaaaaa
cgmMargins 2 6
tabSpacing 2 4