Uri parameters/Prefs

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Revision as of 22:58, 9 August 2008 by Hercule (talk | contribs) (2008-08-09)
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This is a list of preference parameters and their default values. You can view an up to date version of the list in the full client (if you are not logged in) or in a widget started without a query string by typing /dset.

Default preferences (2008-06-29 , sorted "/dset")

optionfull versionwidgetcommentcaption in prefs
allowIncommingPMstrueAllow incomming PMs
autoAway72000 = disableAuto away time (seconds)
autoAwayMessageAuto awayAuto away message
autoBacktrueAuto back
blurPMstrueBlur received PMs
cgmMargins3Sizes: Chat window Margins
chatBackgroundwhiteChat background
chatBackgroundLines#c8c8ffChat background lines
chatFontFamilyArial,Helvetica,sans-serifFont typesChat column
chatFontSize13Font sizesChat
chatInputBackground #eee Chat input background
chatInputBarBackground#cad69fChat inputopts background
chatInputBarBorder #51661cChat inputopts border
chatInputBorder #cad69fChat input border
chatInputColor black Chat input color
chatInputFontFamily Arial,Helvetica,sans-serifFont typesChat input
chatInputOptionsBackgroundtransparentreset: #cad69f ?Chat inputopts background
chatOutputBackgroundtransparentreset: white ?Chat background
chatOutputMaxLines250Scrollback lines
chatOutputNickWidth90110Sizes: Nick column width
chatOutputShowNickstruefalseShow nicks column
chatOutputShowTimestruefalseShow timestamps
chatOutputTimeWidth30Sizes: Time column width
chatPaddingBottom1Chat padding bottom
chatPaddingTop1Chat padding top
chatPaneBackgroundwhiteChat pane background
confirmServerClosetrueConfirm server disconnect
doubleClickTime400Double click time(ms)
doubleClickToPMtrueDouble click to PM
focusNewJoinstruefalseFocus new joins
inputHistorySize250Scrollback lines
languageenLanguage (used in the UI)
logPMsfalseLog my PMs
needSendButtonfalseHave a send button
nickBackground #cad69fNick background
nickBorderRight#888 Nick border right
nickColor #00fNick color
nickColorGuest greenNick color (guest)
nickColorMe #242Nick color (me)
nickFontFamily Arial,Helvetica,sans-serifFont typesNick column
nickFontSize 11Font sizesNick
nickHighlight #686Nick highlight
nickHighlightMe#4a4Nick highlight (me)
nickVerticalAlignmiddleNick vertical align
noticesToActiveTabtrueNotices to active tab
noUListInChannelsfalseNo channel ulist
parseChannelstrueMake channels clickable
parseColortrueShow mIRC colors
parseLinkstrueMake links clickable
parseNickstrueHighlight nicks
parseReplaceImagestrueCreate image thumbnails
parseReplaceImagesHeight32Thumbnail height
parseReplaceImagesWidth32Thumbnail width
parseSimpletruealso /itallic/Parse _underline_ *bold*
parseSmiliestrueShow graphical smilies
sendButtonBackgroundwhiteSend button background
sendButtonBorder #448 Send button border
showAwaysBackstruefalseAway and backs
showBanstrueBans and unbans
showChannelTabUserstruenumber of users#users on channel tabs
showInputOptionstrueShow inputBar options
showJoinInfofalseExtra join info
showJoinsPartstruefalseJoin and parts
showPartInfofalseExtra part info
showUserModestrueUser mode changes
sizeSmiliesToTextfalseSize smilies to text
tabBackgroundColor#000Tab Colorsbackground
tabBColorCannel #ccccccTab ColorsChannel border
tabBColorPM #ccccccTab ColorsPM border
tabBColorServer #c0ffc0Tab ColorsServer border
tabBColorYServer#c0c0f3Tab ColorsY! Server border
tabColorCannel #e6f3caTab ColorsChannel
tabColorPM #8c8c8cTab ColorsPM
tabColorServer #6cb12aTab ColorsServer
tabColorYServer #c0c0f3Tab ColorsY! Server
tabFontFamilyArial,Helvetica,sans-serifFont typesTabs
tabIndividualClosesfalse(x) on inactive tabs as wellShow closers on blurred tabs
tabSpacing4Tab Colorsspacing
tabTextColor#000Tab Colorstext
tabTextColorActivity#33cTab Colorstext (activity)
tabTextColorActivityMe#c33Tab Colorstext (activity me)
tabTextColorArrows#eeeTab Colorsarrows
tabTextColorInactive#444Tab Colorstext (inactive)
timeBackground #e4eaceTime background
timeBorderRight#888Time border right
timeColor #444Time color
timeFontFamily Arial,Helvetica,sans-serifFont typesTime column
timeFontSize 11Font sizesTime
ulistPaneBackgroundwhite User list background
ulistPaneBorder #51661cUser list border
userListColorInactive#6c6 User list (away)
userListColorNormal greenUser list (normal)
userListColorTyping red User list (typing)
userListFontFamilyArial,Helvetica,sans-serifFont typesUser list
userListFontSize13Font sizesUser list
userListHover #d8d8d8User listhover
userListIconHeight 16 User listIcon height
userListIconWidth 16 User listIcon width
userListMenuBackground#cad69fUser listmenu background
userListMenuColor #444 User listmenu color
userListModeIconHeight16 User listMode icons height
userListModeIconWidth 16 User listMode icons width
userListModeSpacing 2 User listMode icons spacing
userListPadding 0 User listPadding
userListSelected #e4eaceUser listselected
userListShowIcons true User listShow icons
userListShowModesLeft falseUser listCombined mode on left
userListShowSingleModefalseUser listShow combined mode
userListWidth140130Sizes: User list width
windowAlertMaxFlashes3Window alert flashes
windowAlertPeriod500Window alert period
optionfull versionwidgetcommentcaption in prefs

use the "Prefs" link (if you are registered and logged in to mibbit) or "/dset option value" to change settings (sometimes you need /clear or even a reload to take effect).

Some of the options don't make much sense in the widget but are used as defaults.

Usage in the widget uri: ?firstOption=value&option2=value&option3=value .... (don't forget to replace all # with %23 !)

(work in progress)