Enable Mibbit on Your IRC Server

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If you own an IRC server, and would like to enable people to access it from Mibbit without issues, it's simple to get setup.

First of all, anyone who uses Mibbit connects from the same IP address to your IRC server. This needs to be handled by the IRC server. The default setup for most IRC servers is to only allow 3 or so connections from any single IP, which means that only 3 Mibbitians would be able to connect to the server. There are two solutions to this: WebIRC (best) or a trust/session increase.

Mibbit IP addresses

IP rDNS previously ircip1.mibbit.com widget.mibbit.com ircip2.mibbit.com webchat.mibbit.com ircip3.mibbit.com ircip4.mibbit.com

Please add all 4 blocks/IPs if possible, and email axod@mibbit.com to confirm when added (don't forget to mention your network/server). If you should have any other IP(s) in your config please remove them.

Advanced: If you would like to automatically generate your own IRCd configurations using a script of some form either for remote include or other method depending on your IRCd you will be able to find all current Mibbit WEBIRC IPs in the ircip.mibbit.com round robin host name. If you don't know what this means, don't ask, just skip it.


The webirc protocol allows Mibbit to send over the users real IP address and hostname to the IRC server. This means that cloaks, and bans, and all other hostname/IP based things work exactly as they should. When you whois the user, it'll look like they are connecting directly from their own IP, and not through Mibbit. This is also known as a cgiirc{} block on some servers. This is the best method of having Mibbit connect to your network seamlessly.

If you wish to set up a Web:IRC configuration for Mibbit, please follow the following steps.

  1. Choose a WebIRC password.
    • This password should be between 6-20 alphanumeric characters. Please don't use special characters.
  2. Configure your servers. How to do so is listed below for each server type.
    • Please have your settings saved and rehashed
  3. Gather the following information so that you may supply it in the following step.
    • Network name
      • Will be shown in the server tab, so keep it short but meaningful. For irc.example.net could be "Example Net"
    • A list of all DNS entries that point to your network.
      • e.g., irc.blah.net, blah.com, oldname.com etc.
      • In the case that not all servers in your network are set up with WebIRC, a list of the servers with WebIRC enabled.
    • Preferred connect server or round robin and the port number (if not 6667)
      • e.g., irc.blah.net:1234 (will be used by the main client)
    • Server admin's Email address
    • Server admin's nickname on server
    • WebIRC password
    • Public
      • Only say yes if you have more than 50 users. No, services and bots do not count. IRC OPs do not count either.
      • Only say yes if you want to see your server listed in the main client's Home > IRC: dropdown list.
      • If there are reports that the Mibbit client cannot connect, once the entry is set up, then the "public" entry will be removed.
    • IRCd version
    • General description of the network
      • A tag such as "Gaming", "Support", "Politics", ect.
  4. Contact a staff member on IRC.Mibbit.net in the #help channel or send an email.
    • Staff member (ircop) via IRC
    • It is easier for our staff to help you through IRC, though it is less organized.
      • Make sure the person is a staff member (/whois). Staff members are listed in the /motd.
      • Ask if anybody is available to add a WebIRC entry.
      • If a staff member responds in the positive, send them the information gathered above via a private message.
      • Pastebin your information to save time.
      • If not, send an email. You can send an email without trying on IRC, but it is generally faster to set up through IRC.
    • Send an email.
      • The subject should include "WebIRC" and your network name. For example, "Example Net: WebIRC Configuration".
      • Send the email to staff@mibbit.com.
      • Include all of the gathered information.
      • Emails take longer than IRC to get processed. Most emails are processed within 24 hours.
  5. Once your information is added to our database, we will give you a confirmation message, whether through IRC or email.
    • It takes about 15 minutes for the changes to take effect on our end.


Example UnrealIRCd cgiirc block setup/configuration (Requires UnrealIRCd 3.2.5 or higher):

// Datacenter one :
cgiirc {
       type webirc;
       password <password>; // no brackets ;)
// Datacenter two:
cgiirc {
       type webirc;
       password <password>; // same password as above!
// Datacenter three:
cgiirc {
       type webirc;
       password <password>; // same password as above!
// Datacenter four:
cgiirc {
       type webirc;
       password <password>; // same password as above!

Note: UnrealIRCd versions between 3.2.5 to 3.2.7 have cgiirc block bugs in IPv6 compiles of UnrealIRCd, Patch available here, this issue however is resolved in version 3.2.8 and up.

Read the CGI:IRC Block documentation for more information on cgiirc blocks.

Then let us know the information requested above.

For networks that are unable for some reason to use cgiirc blocks, the following will allow an unrestricted number of mibbit clients on your server(s). These blocks should not be necessary while using the cgiirc block, however adding them just in case is suggested;

Throttling blocks allows the mibbit client and widget to bypass throttle by preventing auto-throttle bans:

except throttle {
except throttle {
except throttle {
except throttle {

The allow block will allow more specifically those unable to use cgiirc blocks to prevent having mibbit clients disconnected for maximum connections:

allow {
       ip NOBODY;
       hostname *@*.mibbit.com;
       class clients;
       maxperip 1000;

Then let us know the information requested above.


These are instructions for how to configure an InspIRCd installation.

1.) Locate the cgiirc module in the inspircd.conf called m_cgiirc.so
Look for

<module name="m_cgiirc.so">

and uncomment it.

2.) Locate the cgihost tag below and configure as follows:

  • Choose type as Webirc
  • In the password attribute, enter the password you chose.
  • In the mask attribute, enter our IP addresses (,,,
    Note: In some cases its been reported that connection from mibbit users were not resolved to the correct address. In some cases this can be fixed by setting the mask to "*". Try it only as last resort.
Your cgihost should look like this:
<cgihost type="webirc" password="<password>" mask="">
<cgihost type="webirc" password="<password>" mask="">
<cgihost type="webirc" password="<password>" mask="">
<cgihost type="webirc" password="<password>" mask="">

3.) Locate your connection block and add an additional block as follows


Inspircd 2.0+ seems to require separate <connect allow=""> lines, see their docs.

Warning: if all mibbitians get the same Mibbit@*.mibbit.com (or the obfuscated version) as ident@host after the changes, you need to reload the cgiirc module (even if they claim the quirk was fixed).

The major difference from your normal <connect> block should be the allow parameter and the globalmax and localmax. The reason for these changes is so that the server does not identify several users of mibbit as coming from the same IP and then raises a session exceeded error.

If you are having problems getting the module to work, try rehashing and reloading the module after configuration changes. The easiest way to do this is by rehashing, then issuing the command "/reloadmodule m_cgiirc.so". Sometimes only a server restart helps.

For more information: InspIRCd m_cgiirc documentation

Then let us know the information requested above.


If F:CRYPT_OPER_PASSWORD is set to TRUE (default) you will need to use "/mkpasswd <password>" to crypt the password before adding it to the W:Line. If F:CRYPT_OPER_PASSWORD is set to FALSE then you will have to put the password in the W:Line in plain text.

To check the version and revision use "/version" or "/quote version" depending on your IRC client and then look for:

u2.10.11.07+Nefarious(<version>)+[<revision> <date>].

Sample config for Nefarious 1.2:


Sample config for Nefarious 1.3 up to revision 2244:


Sample config for Nefarious 1.3, revision 2245 and beyond:

WebIRC {
  mask = "*@";
  pass = "<password>";
  flags = "s";
  ident = "mibbit";
  desc = "Mibbit";

WebIRC {
  mask = "*@";
  pass = "<password>";
  flags = "s";
  ident = "mibbit";
  desc = "Mibbit";

WebIRC {
  mask = "*@";
  pass = "<password>";
  flags = "s";
  ident = "mibbit";
  desc = "Mibbit";

WebIRC {
  mask = "*@";
  pass = "<password>";
  flags = "s";
  ident = "mibbit";
  desc = "Mibbit";

mask = "*@*.mibbit.com"; seems to work too or may be neccessary (encrypted passwords could result in a "WEBIRC Password invalid for your host" error).

Then let us know the information requested above.


(tested with Charybdis-3.1.0)

# Enable the webirc module:
loadmodule "extensions/m_webirc.so";
# Place it were it belongs.
auth {
       # Mibbit one      
       user = "*@";
       # Mibbit two
       user = "*@";
       # Mibbit three        
       user = "*@";
       # Mibbit four        
       user = "*@";
       # Place here your password (default: unencrypted).
       password = "<password>";
       # The line below makes care that
       # Charybdis understands this is the webirc module.
       spoof = "webirc.";
       # The class.
       class = "users";

Always check your config with the following command (path to your charybdis installation)/bin/ircd -conftest to make sure it loads the module correctly and your config is intact. Anyways, if that succeeds it shows: notice: loading module extensions/m_webirc.so ...

Then let us know the information requested above.


Example RatboxIRCd cgiirc block setup/configuration (Requires RatboxIRCd 3.0.x or higher):

// For all datacenters :
auth {
        user = "webirc@";     
        user = "webirc@";     
        user = "webirc@";     
        user = "webirc@";     
        password = "password";
        spoof = "webirc.";
        class = "users";

Note: The m_webirc.c module is not installed by default. Compile the m_webirc.c module, then loadmod contribs/m_webirc.so. See the output similar to *** Notice -- Module m_webirc.so [version: $Revision: 26401 $; MAPI version: 1] loaded at 0x29e3c580.

Then let us know the information requested above.


The protocol is pretty simple. The first command sent to the server is:

WEBIRC <password> cgiirc <hostname> <ip>

The server then uses the hostname and ip for that connection.

Here is the Hybrid module code: m_cgiirc.c (?). Always use the latest module and recompile, otherwise all mibbit clients get the same ident@host "Mibbit@w*.mibbit.com"!

Send any questions/requests for adding your server to the list of approved servers to ircstaff[at]mibbit.com

Trust/session limit increase

If webirc is unavailable, mibbit sends over the users IP address and hostname. In the ident reply, we send the users IP address in hex form. We also set the users realname to be their hostname. If you use this method, you can ban individuals on their username. You just need to increase the connection limit for the Mibbit IP, and please remember NOT to k-line/ban the whole of *.mibbit.com . Ban individuals instead.

Our IPs are,,,

Configuration examples