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IRC in general has a lot of passwords, which increases with every server you join and channel you register. Mibbit adds to the list with two passwords. One for the main client and one for widget owners. All of the passes are case sensitive.

Mibbit Passwords

For the main client, the password to log in is entered in the header. If it is forgotten, a reminder can be sent to your email, if you provided that data in the 'account' tab accessible from the header. If you didn't set an email you have to send a request to The password can also be changed from the 'account' tab.

The manager has slightly tweaked positions, but works the same way.

IRC Passwords

To register a nick, see Register nick. To register a channel, see Register channel. To change the password of your nick, use the command /ns set password newPass. To change the password of your channel, use the command /cs set password newPass.

Channel keys (passwords for joining a channel) can be set with /mode #channel +k channelKey. They can be unset by changing the +k to a -k.


If you forgot your nickserv password on, you can join #help, and ask an operator to send the password to your email.